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lAlB lClD lElF lGlH lIlJ lKlL lMlN lOlP lQlR lSlT lUlV lWlX lYlZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
JET fresh-long 25
JI long grain indian rice 30
KAAJAL extra long 31
KALI extra long grain 30
KBC long grain indian rice 30
KORES long life stamp pad 16
long 9
LEMCE long stocking +woman 25
LOVELY long grain rice silk 30
LUB-WAY long-life machine 7
LUCKY GOLD long grain rice 30
MAMA BHANJA long grain rice 30
MAXMOL AP-LR long life 4
NEELA long-oblong 31
PENNZOIL long-life 4
PIKASA long life 9
RED & WHITE long filter 34
SAVANNA long grain rice 30
SESA long beautiful +woman 3
SHANDAR long toffee +fruit 30
SKOAL long cut 34
SPENCER'S special long loaf 30
SUN long grain rice 30
SWADNI long grain rice 30
TIME long size 34
TRITON long-run positive 16
ULTRACEL long life 9
UTPAL long grain rice +oval 30
WHITEFIELDS long grain rice 30
india ONE long distance 9, 16
j JESTER long life assuranc 25
vlp video long play +circle 9
BOVINE-longact 5
HUMAN-longact 5
PORCINE-longact 5
BMT LAKHANI longi mirch 30
longitude 42
longlife 7
longlife INDUSTRIES 7
GNI v longlife 19
WIPRO longlite 11
american longs +face of man 34
TIMEPLUS longstay matt 3
AG nice look 25
CALIX smart look 35
CAPTOWN look +man 30
CITY look +woman 25
EYE look 9
FASTRACK the look +arrows 25
HLF hi-look +oval 25
JOY ultra look TOTAL EFFECT 3
LOVE look 25
M&M look no further 3, 14, 16, 18, 25
NEVER look 25
NL nice look fashion 25
NU-look +stars 25
PRETTY RARE makeu look spic 25
ROYAL-look 20
SNEHA good look feel great 3
SRE fresh look 2
TIK TIK royal look 24
VIBES look good feel good 42
WILD look 25
ZEDD'S the vogue look +eyes 25
beauty look BL +circle 25
e ENIGMA the look 25
gorgeous look +plants 44
great-look 24
real look rl +pentagon 14
t WOODS a more comfort look 25
u-look UL automotive parts 12
DIVA'S no more looking back 5
good looking +square 24
looks BY ASWANI 25
OUT looks 24
SHARON impressive looks +ma 25
essential looks 3, 16, 35, 41
natural looks +flowers 3
lookstyle +man 25
H lookwell 24
AS KOHINOOR delux loom 7
GOURA hand loom +flower 25
INJIRI +loom 24, 25, 35
K.K. HANDLOOM saree +loom 25
EW SRINIVASA looms +triangl 7
MICON looms spare parts 7
d DIAMOND looms +diamond 7
AGNI tagpins & loop pins 16
EVY BABY +loop 3, 5
KILLER loop 3
LANCER tagpins & loop pins 16
MONOCEL +line & loop 23
REMO FIX hook loop fastener 16
arcs & loops 9, 16, 41
KNIGHT RIDERS korbo lorbo 8, 16, 17, 18, 35
KNIGHT riders korbo lorbo 6, 10, 27
lord GANPATI 9
lord KRISHNA 9
lord NELSON XXX +stars 33
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